Devlog again #2

The concept of this game is mainly focused on older style on the looks and modern gameplay with the main objective of the game. The way I want to make the game look is something to do with the style of a PS1 game and the blocky aspect of it because as stated before, I'm making a horror game and lately I've seen cool horror games using this style as shown in the picture below

This picture shows the player and the background and objects in the room and how I would want the game to look like so what I want to do now is to learn how to style a map and objects and players/entities in this way so I can get started on the sketches and such. The player that you would be controlling wont have a full model because you will only be able to see its hand and maybe a bit of their legs and this is because I don't want the game to be long and too much work. It's not that I don't want to do this but I think that quick, easy, and fast horror games are playable by everyone and can be played multiple times to maybe show a friend or just to have a scare in general. Think about it like the scary maze game that was popular for some time, It was just a simple maze game with a jumpscare at then end and you would play over and over again to get a scare or to show your friend on what an interesting game you have found or something like that. 

This other image is just another showcase on how the style of the game will turn out to be and how I want it to be. Here is shown a character model up close and some more of the area around it which I would want my game to look like. 

I also want this feature called VHS that's shown in this picture above with the car. It makes the game look like its on a VHS tape and I would use this feature as like the title screen or something in the game, maybe put alone side the PS1 aspect of the game but I would have to see how it looks like when playing the game.

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